Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Perhaps I spoke too soon? - is back!

Nothing encourages life like death. is back and rocking. While the exact plans for the future are hush hush, it looks like the woxy team is finally going to get some of the recognition tat they deserve.

Details are sketchy, but there has been a major investor in the station who is a serial entrepreneur and Silicon Valley insider. The immediate future calls for improved bandwidth, more live "lounge acts" and a second studio location in San Francisco. In short, it looks like woxy will finally have the means to reach a larger audience and have an impact on the listening habits of the nation. And we desperately need it. Radio is dead, it just doesn't know it yet. Satellite radio is soulless. Unless you're willing to dedicate a large amount of time researching new music, you'll never be exposed to it. I've heard lots of people talk about how today's music sucks. It doesn't. It's just been impossible to find because modern radio encourages mediocrity. Here's hoping can start a revolution.

Thursday, September 07, 2006 is dead -- long live 97X!

Again, we are witness to the death of 97X. An institution whose greatness and contribution to the music world cannot be underestimated. is going off the air in just over a week(time of death 9/15/06) I credit a good deal of my sense of self to the 97X. They provided me with exposure to art that I would not have encountered otherwise. I don't know if I would have found indie rock on my own later in life or if I would have been permanently sucked into the brainwashing vortex of corporate radio. What I do know is that my life is better because of 97X, woxy.comand the fine folks that have manned the station over the decades.

In a world of corporate radio, I worry that future generations will not have such a guide. They will have to fend for themselves when it comes to finding contemporary artistic music that has a great motivation than trying to make a buck. The fact that is going off the air only serves to solidify their greatness in my mind.

But I digress. Please listen to this rare gem before it's gone.
And for those of you thinking about satellite being an alternative format, it unfortunately isn't. Check out the second paragraph of this blog post by Lee Abrams: